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SEO Campaign Management

Entrust your optimisation to the experts

Why Choose Optillion?

  • Over a decade of SEO experience
  • All SEO services are delivered in-house
  • Exceptional results across a range of industries
  • Services tailored to your individual requirements
  • No minimum monthly fees

Optillion’s Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) management service relieves you of the burden of optimising your website. Optillion’s experts take care of all the practical aspects of the SEO campaign, including:

  • Initial assessment of the website
  • Development of a fully-costed SEO plan
  • Implementation of your SEO campaign
  • Performance monitoring, analysis and reporting

This service also includes regular meetings with Optillion to ensure that you are kept up to date with your campaign’s progress. You will always be involved in important decisions and Optillion ensures that we work closely with clients on their SEO campaigns.

Initial assessment of the website

Your SEO campaign begins with a comprehensive assessment of your site’s current state of development and optimisation. This involves an analysis of hosting arrangements, site structure, coding, content, keyphrase targeting etc. This initial assessment forms the basis of the SEO campaign and allows Optillion to highlight specific areas which require attention.

The rankings for your existing target keyphrases are then assessed and used to evaluate the potential performance of your new keywords.

Development of a fully-costed SEO plan

Using the results of this assessment, Optillion will draw up a fully-costed, prioritised plan for the implementation of your SEO campaign. This proposal will be tailored to both your budget and your overall objectives. The proposal will also indicate the timescales over which the plan will be implemented and the expected results of the campaign. You will then be invited to discuss the proposal with us, at which stage adjustments can be made to the timescale and campaign priorities.

Implementation of your SEO campaign

Following this meeting, your SEO campaign will be implemented in accordance with the agreed plan. Any significant deviations from the plan will be discussed with you in advance.

The campaign will follow these stages:

  1. Optillion will remove any existing barriers to search engine performance.
  2. We will then make improvements to your website’s structure, coding and content. Improvements can also be made to the site’s design and functionality.
  3. Optillion will optimise your website’s content, including page titles, meta descriptions and on-page copy, to give you the best possible search engine performance. This stage often involves a process of keyword research and application.
  4. We will also improve your website’s online presence and interconnectivity.

Performance monitoring, analysis and reporting

Regular performance monitoring is essential for a successful SEO campaign. Monitoring helps to guide the future direction of the optimisation campaign, as well as providing valuable feedback on its current performance. You will be kept up-to-date through monthly reports or periodic meetings, covering search engine performance, visitor numbers and updates on plan implementation.

Optillion recognises that effective communication is important and we are happy to meet regularly with clients, as well as respond promptly to any queries you may have.

Is this service right for you?

The SEO campaign management service is designed for clients looking to entrust their optimisation needs to specialists. Optillion takes care of every stage of the process, using our expertise to deliver consistent results for you.

You will have full access to our range of services and will be kept up-to-date with your campaign’s progress and performance. Employing an SEO management company allows you to focus on your business, in the knowledge that your SEO will be well managed.

To find out more about how SEO campaign management can benefit your business, contact Optillion today on .