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AdWords Search Advertising

Google AdWord puts your message in front of over 90% of UK searchers


Search Advertising involves the use of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising systems to display adverts on Google search engine results pages (SERPs) alongside the organic results.

The adverts are triggered by specific search terms, over which you have control. This means that your ads are only seen by potential customers who are interested in the goods and services that your business offers. Adverts can also be placed on other content pages which partner with Google.

Search Advertising is ideal for sales or lead generation, as opposed to more general brand awareness campaigns. AdWords Search Advertising reaches the customer when they are actively searching, which means that they are more likely to make a purchase.

Google AdWords

Google AdWords is the most flexible and sophisticated PPC advertising system. It also has the widest reach: Google generates over 90% of UK search traffic.

The benefits of Search Advertising using Google AdWords:

  • Increases your sales by increasing your online visibility
  • Adverts on Google SERPs give you access to the largest potential customer base
  • Attracts customers when they are most likely to make an enquiry or convert to a sale
  • Gives you control over your advertising messages, the keywords and match types
  • Allows you to target the audience by hour of the day and location
  • Device targeting allows you to advertise to an audience based on whether they are using mobile or desktop devices
  • Increases your reach by giving you the option to show your ads on Google Search Partner sites such as AOL, and on other Google properties including Google Maps and Google Shopping
  • Low minimum bid prices with no minimum monthly campaign spend, making it perfect for every size of business

How Optillion can help you with Google Search Advertising

Search Advertising is much more effective when it is intensively managed. At Optillion, we have the expertise to help you to do this. We have achieved success for many clients, including selling goods and services to consumers, businesses, the government and the education sector.

Optillion’s specialisms within Search Advertising include:

  • Writing the text ads
    Your business is charged per click, so ads must be both compelling and unambiguous to ensure that only potential customers click through.
  • Keyword selection
    We can help you to choose the most appropriate keywords and match types, based on your website, its search history and data provided by Google.
  • Analysis
    In the early stages of an AdWords campaign, frequent analysis and adjustment is required. We therefore recommend that you allow up to six months to evaluate the potential performance of your campaign.

We can tailor our AdWords services to suit your needs and budget.